We have set the schedule for some training sessions coming up on August 5th in Harlan, and August 12th in Ames. We will have Ag Leader Technology personnel on hand presenting information and HTS will be providing lunch. We will also have tractors available for ride and drive.
I have also been catching up with technology – not the kind you use in the field, but rather life on the computer and web. I have set up a page for HTS Precision Ag on Facebook, and you can actually RSVP to these training sessions right on the facebook page. You can follow this link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Harlan-IA/HTS-Precision-Ag/222272725264?ref=ts
Even if you aren’t a facebook user, you can still check out the page. If you are a facebook user, you can also become a fan of HTS Precision Ag.