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Ag Leader

DIY tiling in just 3 easy steps



Collect a survey of the surface elevation by driving over the path either ahead of time or during installation. 



Enter parameters to ensure tile is placed as desired in field or import complete tile plan from SMS Advanced.  



Let InCommand with Intellislope do the work of precise control of the tile plow. The AutoTile mode will automatically adjust depth of the plow automatically or use manual grade or pitch control modes. 

Water Mitigation Plan

Worry-free grade and pitch control


Automated grade calculations with AutoTile

AutoTile mode makes grade calculations based on the survey and target elevation and automatically adjust depth of the plow. 

Flexibility to adjust as you go

If you want more control, grade control mode uses GPS instead of complicated lasers to install at desired grade. Grade settings can easily be manually adjusted as you go from the cab instead of a laser tripod. If needed, you can also use grade breaks to shallow up but keep the same grade.  


Automated pitch control if signal is lost

If your RTK GPS signal is lost, use Pitch Control mode (with a pitch plow) to finish the run. Intended to keep you at your desired pitch in case of a lost signal but is not meant for large-scale installs. 

Ag Leader SMS Tiling plan

Fool-proof Tile Planning 


Easily design and validate field tile plans using SMS Advanced. Create the best tile plan by comparing possible installation options against cost and drainage efficiency. And as an extra precaution, SMS validates tile plan uses grade appropriate for soil texture at intended depth and runs are sized appropriately to meet field drainage needs and alerts you of potential issues. 


653 Oak Road

Harlan, IA 51537


Office: 800-741-3305


Remote Offices:

Iowa Falls, IA

Grundy Center, IA





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